Elk City Lake Trail puts my conditioning to the test and park director my serenity

From Park Overlook. Looks like a mountain to me but they said it was a big  hill.
I confess I drove up to this one.

From longer trail - thank you good people at Fleet Feet Ridgeland https://www.fleetfeet.com/s/jackson/  For recommending me these Altras that held up comfortable over rocks and roots!

Elk City Lake State Park is a beautiful place to camp - just make sure you follow all the rules. Each day the young park director flexed his muscle.  One day I was trying to take a brief nap in my tent in the warm afternoon and he drove up with is sidekick and asked if anyone was home.              

“Trying to take a nap.”

“I am Carl (name changed to protect the youth).  You need to empty your trash!”

“I am sorry I did not hang it up on the raccoon protect hook because I could not reach it. (The raccoon had  found my low hanging trash bad and scattered it around. The last site picked up my trash everyday.) Besides I did not know where to take it.”

“It has been here two days! And there are blue trash bins all over the camp!”

“Yes sir will have it moved momentarily.”

He drove off and before he was up the road good I had it bagged up and moved.

The next day he came up and said, “Your dog has been seen around the camp area.  You need to keep him on a lease or we will have to ask you to leave!”

“Yes Sir. I will not let him happen again.”  I kept my word.

The next day he came up on his motorcycle spitting gravel.  You did not pay last night and someone had reserved this site and could not camp here!”  (There were many sites around but I did not get smart.) You havre two choices to leave immediately or pay for two nights!’  

“I will be gone in 30 minutes.”

“I am going to wait here and watch to be sure you move.”  (He did not)

I was packed up  and gone in 30 minutes and was down the road a piece and realized I had left my battery operated power saw which I used to cut fire wood - really roughing it. I went back to get it and the new young guy at the gate said I could go get it. When I got back to the gate officer friendly asked if I was going to pay for last night which I thought I had.  

“You gave me two choices and I took the leave immediately one.”

As I drove out the God of my understanding said do the right thing and I paid.  

His three day onslaught did not destroy my serenity - the old me would have torn him a new one - but daily pray and meditation and the serenity prayer and a close spiritual connection helped bridle my sharp tongue mostly. 

In addition to a beautiful lake there are two hiking trails. 

One trail has 1 mile as the distance - it Is really about 0.75 miles but feels like at least twice that. It is a scenic trail up and down - there was up which had me hearing my heart pounding like an inner bass drum. Signs bout the flora and fauna dotted the way.

Thought this was a snake from a distance

The other trail is 2.75 miles and goes to the scenic overlook - it seems like a mountain to me but the staff says it is just big hill - that is some hill! I only went 0.5 miles up and back and lingered at the massive rock to dangle my feet maybe 60-70 feet up.    Caution:on both trails are lots of exposed tree roots and rocks. Watch your step!

Using the the first trail completely and part of the other and two loops around the up and down road, I forged out three challenging miles. It was great to finish and look at the lake way down below. 


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